Why Do I Look At Porn When Times Get Tough?

This month we’re talking about resentment and here’s another question that comes up: “Why do I look at porn when times get tough?”

Let’s say something bad happens to you: you get fired, you have a fight with your wife, the list goes on and on.

For lots of people, emotional or physical pain is a trigger. It doesn’t cause you to look at porn but it’s a trigger. It’s like when your stomach growls or you rub your eyes; your body wants something and it gives you a desire for something, whether that’s food or sleep or porn.

To figure out why you can’t break the habit of looking at porn when you’re in pain, you have to find the root cause. You’re going to have to dig deep.

You need to learn what your triggers are because hard times come to us all and we need to know how to deal with them in a healthy way.

Today I wanted to introduce you to my friend Brandon. In this video, Brandon shares how he has learned to not only deal with the pain in his life but how to get to the root and help others, too.


  • You have to learn how you’re going to respond in those tough times because those times are going to hit you.
  • What we don’t want to do is keep excusing your behavior  but help you actually get to the root and deal with it.
  • At some point you either have to face the pain or you’ll be crushed by the weight of it. God’s grace and mercy in my own life as a has has been something I can’t even put to words because it’s allowed me to say I’m not alone.
  • I know I can go to Jesus and he says, “I know you, I created you. I love you. I’ve shaped you. I’ll hold your hand through this. I’ll walk through it with you.”
  • Not only will he cut his hands off for me rather than using them to hurt me, but he hung them on a cross to save me. And when I think about that, when I meditate on that, when I look at that, I think there’s nothing that I can’t face and deal with whether it’s been done to me or whether I’ve done it to someone else.
  • When we enter into the process of healing, whether it’s through a therapist or through a pastoral counseling or through friendships, you can only deal with what you can deal with. You can only deal with so much pain at a time at a certain time, so it’s like a layer of an onion.
  • I think that this is where Christian community becomes so important. The question of what next? What do we do?
  • We don’t do a good job of really walking with people through life. We do a good job of saying, “I want to be there with you. I want to care for you. I’ll pray for you.” But really what does it mean to walk in the trenches with someone?
  • I think you have to come to the realization that you are going to solve it or die trying. You’re going to address it or die trying. You’re gonna go find help or you’re going to die trying. There’s no way around it.
  • Joseph says that when he was thrown into slavery, he tells his brothers, “that which you intended for evil, God intended for good.” I think that’s what’s been true in my life.


The post Why Do I Look At Porn When Times Get Tough? appeared first on XXXchurch.com.

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