Every Time I Visit My Parents’ Home I Feel Triggered. Is That Weird?

Hey, it’s Craig again.

The question that I’m going to try to answer this week is this:

“I tend to look at porn after I visit my parents’ house. Is that a trigger?”

The answer to the question is… yes. If you identify something that triggers this response, then yes, it’s a trigger.

And I think it’s something you should look into. What’s the history there? Does it have something to do with your upbringing? Is it somehow related to childhood memories?

What is it about your parents’ house? Does going there bring up bad feelings or bad memories? Maybe the reason you’re feeling triggered is because visiting your parent’s home conjures up feelings that you’d rather numb than engage with.

When you go to your parents’ house next time, do something that brings you life beforehand.

If it’s too much (and you know it’s too much) then be honest with your folks. You don’t have to tell them everything, but it’s alright to tell the truth: “Hey, I can’t visit for a while because I’ve got to take responsibility for some things that I’ve realized affect me a certain way after leaving your place. I don’t want to put myself it situations that I know will be too tough to handle.”

Dig deeper into the why behind that response. Find out what the root is.


  • If you identify something that triggers this response, then yes, it’s a trigger.
  • Maybe the reason you’re feeling triggered is because visiting your parent’s home conjures up feelings that you’d rather numb than engage with.
  • What’s the history there? Does it have something to do with your upbringing? Is it somehow related to childhood memories?
  • Dig deeper and find out what the root is.



The post Every Time I Visit My Parents’ Home I Feel Triggered. Is That Weird? appeared first on XXXchurch.com.

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